Bug#624125: sysv-rc: CONCURENCY=makefile causes bluetooth rfcomm setup to fail SOMETIMES

Pierre Ynard linkfanel at yahoo.fr
Sat Mar 9 00:48:16 GMT 2019

retitle 624125 asynchronous events cause bluetooth rfcomm setup to fail SOMETIMES
reassign 624125 bluez

I think responsibility should lie best with the bluetooth package to
ensure proper dependencies and pre-requisites and that the asynchronous
events it relies on are handled properly. Either way I don't see that
sysvinit or any of its init scripts has any real influence in this.
Reassigning so bluetooth maintainers get a chance to look at this.

Dear maintainers, could you take a look at this report of this error:

> Can't open RFCOMM control socket: Address family not supported by
> protocol


Pierre Ynard

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