Bug#470956: initscripts: checkroot.sh shouldn't fsck twice with /forcefsck

Pierre Ynard linkfanel at yahoo.fr
Fri Mar 8 16:53:41 GMT 2019

severity 470956 minor
tags 470956 moreinfo

> I am aware that fsck of ext2 isn't fast, but that's not a reason for
> doing it needlessly *twice* when the first fsck gave an error <= 3.
> What happened was:
> $ shutdown -F -r now
> # computer reboots
> # fsck of root fs
< # fsck.ext2 returned error 3 (most likely since it optimized directories)
> # computer automatically reboots  (everything works as expected until now)
> # fsck of root fs  *grrr*

I don't see how the system itself could guarantee between the two boots
that the filesystem is still clean the second time. Another OS could
have been booted instead, used the filesystem and left it dirty. The
device could have been swapped in and out of the machine, and mounted by
another system, etc...

Even we wanted initscripts to set up some flag for the next reboot,
that's not really possible because the filesystem is still read-only
at this point, and really shouldn't be touched anymore until after the

I suppose that if anything could be done about this, it would be by fsck
utilities in the filesystem internal attributes. But I don't know which
filesystem types would be concerned by this issue and if they would
allow to address it. Ted, what do you think about this?

Pierre Ynard

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