Bug#460404: running fsck on battery should be configurable

Pierre Ynard linkfanel at yahoo.fr
Tue Mar 5 22:02:08 GMT 2019

block 460404 326647
tags 460404 moreinfo

> Running fsck on battery should be configurable, e.g. by some option
> in /lib/init/vars.sh. For an ext2 filesystem it is fatal to ignore a
> fsck, esp. since there is a higher risk for laptops. They either run
> out of power, or they are just shut off.

I don't think this should be left to configuration. As you say skipping
fsck can be very bad and dangerous, so it just should not be done:
neither by default, nor offered as a configuration option. See #526398,
the check skipping fsck on battery was completely commented out for the
time being.

If that check ever makes it back in some form - a safe form, I'm not
sure there is still a point in making it configurable, beyond preventing
dangerous behavior.

Pierre Ynard

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