Bug#843419: init-d-script: please provide a way to not use the --name option of start-stop-daemon

Dmitry Bogatov KAction at debian.org
Tue Mar 5 14:08:45 GMT 2019

[2019-03-01 15:20] wferi at niif.hu
> part       text/plain                 863
> Dmitry Bogatov <KAction at debian.org> writes:
> > What about this patch? Would it satisfy your need?
> Perfectly.  The extra braces (${COMMAND_NAME}, ${NAME}) look somewhat
> alien, but as you prefer.


> > Can you please review wording -- I am very bad at writing manpages.
> I'm no native speaker either, but inserted a couple of
> articles/alternatives below.
> [...]

Thank you for copy-edit.

> [...]
> I hope this makes sense.  Do you think it can reach buster?  It isn't
> critical, though.  Thanks for your work!

No, no buster, sorry. Too close to freeze.
        Note, that I send and fetch email in batch, once every 24 hours.
                 If matter is urgent, try https://t.me/kaction

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