Bug#932290: insserv: Script has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop runlevels

Lorenz lorenzo.ru.g at gmail.com
Wed Jul 24 13:12:19 BST 2019

Control: severity -1 normal

Ok, here is what I've found out; to reproduce the issue you need to
disable with update-rc.d a script that has an empty ' Default-Stop: ' field
in the LSB header.

# update-rc.d ssh disable
insserv: warning: current start runlevel(s) (empty) of script `ssh'
overrides LSB defaults (2 3 4 5).
insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (2 3 4 5) of script `ssh'
overrides LSB defaults (empty).
insserv: Script ssh has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop
runlevels (2 3 4 5) and (2 3 4 5). This should be fixed.
insserv: Script rsync has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop
runlevels (2 3 4 5) and (2 3 4 5). This should be fixed.
insserv: Script lvm2 has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop
runlevels (S) and (S). This should be fixed.

there are other scripts that can trigger this, for example on my system I
have Cron and Anacron.

This is a minor issue, but still i have few suggestions:

1. the message looks like an error, but insserv exits 0, so i guess it' a
    maybe it should be ' insserv: warning: Script ssh has ...'
2. disabling a service is a legit action and insserv already prints a
warning about
    overriding LSB defaults, so what is this warning about (what is to be
    Is an empty ' Default-Stop: ' field a bug, or it's something else?

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