Bug#932380: Bug#932384: libc6: utmp broken

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Sat Jul 20 23:08:38 BST 2019

On Sat, 20 Jul 2019, Dmitry Bogatov wrote:

> 1. Your patch changes permissions from 644 to 664. Is it deliberate?

It’s the bug: someone changed it from 664 to 644 recently.

> 2. Can you please provide pointers to documentation about chown
>    permission rest to make comment about it?
>    The only thing I found is (from Texinfo manual):
>      The ‘chown’ command sometimes clears the set-user-ID or
>      set-group-ID permission bits.

That’s what I meant. While it’s not relevant *here* it’s a
good thing to be consistent and ALWAYS do them in the order
chown first, then chmod.

[17:15:07] Lukas Degener: Kleines Asterix-Latinum für Softwaretechniker:
	   veni, vidi, fixi(t) ;-)

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