Bug#374039: #374039 shutdown -h -H: warn that then cannot poweroff perhaps

Jesse Smith jsmith at resonatingmedia.com
Mon Apr 8 16:54:13 BST 2019

On 4/8/19 12:38 PM, Dmitry Bogatov wrote:
> control: tags -1 +upstream
> [ Please keep attribution ]
> [2019-04-07 11:12] Jesse Smith <jsmith at resonatingmedia.com>
>> That is what halt means - to stop running the system without powering
>> off.
> Maybe, but many of us are accustomed that /sbin/halt turns off the computer,
> so here comes confusion.

That is certainly true, but I'd like to point out that /sbin/halt only
turns off the computer because Debian modifies halt's behaviour. If you
run /sbin/halt without Debian's modifications, the traditional action
(stop without powering off) occurs. I'd almost consider this a bug since
/sbin/halt should be used to stop the system while /sbin/poweroff should
be used to, well, turn off the power to the system.

>> Halting is often used to run through the shutdown process and leave
>> output on the screen for debugging purposes. Or when you want the OS to
>> stop, but leave the power on. There is no negative side-effect to using
>> the -H option, no loss of data. There isn't any reason to print an extra
>> warning.
> Okay, what about including this explanation into manpage? I know, Unix
> is about sharp tools, but before I started working on sysvinit, I
> believed, that "halt == turn-off", so extra explanation, that it is
> different things would be nice to user.

I'm in favour of this change and can expand on the explanation in the
manual page for the next release.

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