Bug#142424: sysvinit: single-user mode has no return ("killall5" is much too brutal)

Dmitry Bogatov KAction at debian.org
Sat Dec 29 18:33:29 GMT 2018

control: tags -1 +moreinfo

[2002-04-12 15:06] Miquel van Smoorenburg <miquels at cistron.nl>
> According to Marc Herbert:
> > Going to single-user runlevel destroys ALL processes on the machine using
> > signals, by calling "killall5" inside the init.d/S20single script, (probably
> > because it does not trust individual /etc/init.d/XXX stop scripts ?)
> No, because a typical machine has much more processes running than
> those started by init scripts, or don't you have any users on your machines?
> > 
> > 1) I think this goes agains the original System V philosophy,
> No. Read the scripts from for example solaris. Exactly the same is done.
> > 2) This makes the single-user mode "one-way only": it's *impossible* to go
> >    back to multi-user mode without rebooting, because vital daemons like DHCP
> >    or portmap were wrongly killed.
> They should be restarted when going back to single-user mode. Portmap
> doesn't do that right now; several bugs are open against the portmap
> package for that, the oldest for 2 years, but the maintainer simply
> isn't fixing it. I cannot help that.
> > 1) - extract from "man init" on woody:
> >    
> >    When  init  is requested to change the runlevel, it sends the warning signal
> >    SIGTERM to all processes that are undefined in the new  runlevel. It  then
> >                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Yes, that is the *init binary*. The whole system is much more than that.
> > I find this quite different to killing "ALL" processes without restriction !
> Because it isn't /sbin/init doing that, but the scripts that form the
> whole sysvinit foundation.
> >    - extract from "man init" on Solaris 8:
> >    
> >      Run Level Changes
> >      When a run level change request  is  made,  init  sends  the
> >      warning signal (SIGTERM) to all processes that are undefined
> >                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Some story. That's /sbin/init, not the scripts.
> >            left mounted. During the transition  down  to  single-
> >            user  mode,  all  processes started by  init or init.d
> >            scripts that should  only  be  running  in  multi-user
> >            mode  are  killed.
> > 
> > 2) Some vital services, like init.d/networking and init.d/portmap for
> >    instance, are meant to be launched at boot and never stopped. The problem
> >    is they rely on a active process to function properly. Going to single
> >    user mode stop these services wrongly, and even worse: brutaly (not
> >    even calling their /etc/init.d/XXX stop script).
> So that's a bug in those packages. If they need to be shut down
> properly, they should supply the correct init scripts to do so.
> > 3) Suggested workarounds (some of them are cumulative, some other mutually
> > exclusive):
> > 
> > - modify the init man page to advertise the fact that returning from
> > single-user mode kills really ALL processes.
> Again, see above.
> > - ask daemons maintainers to take this single-user specificity 
> >   into consideration
> File bugs against the broken packages if you want. Filing one against
> portmap won't help, you'll probably be ignored like the rest of us.
> > - rerun boot scripts after entering single-user mode ?
> Ofcourse not. That's the responsibility of the package itself.
> > - implement a "softer single-user mode" (for instance runlevel number 2),
> > which would just bring down services with /etc/init.d/XXX stop scripts, and
> > no brutal signals.
> And leave all user processes running?
> > 4) This "cannot return from single-user mode" bug is related to the very old
> > bug #16273 : <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=16273>
> > "cannot enter single user mode remotely"
> Right, the current system doesn't support that. It would take
> a *lot* of effort to change this. I don't see it happening anytime soon.
> But what exactly is the bug you are trying to report here? It looks
> more like a discussion that should be held on debian-devel.

It seems that previous maintainer meant to close this bug as wontfix, but forgot to
do it.

Currently, killall(1) is called in `killprocs' script, which is
dependency of `single', but it changes nothing -- fact is fact --
switching to single runlevel kills all processed, including those,
that were started during process boot (rcS).

I do not have strong opinion on this matter, but unless dear co-maintainers,
you do, I'd leave behaviour that was with us for 16 yeas intact.

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