Bug#619409: Moving .depend. files

Jesse Smith jsmith at resonatingmedia.com
Sun Dec 16 16:48:29 GMT 2018

I think moving these files in insserv itself would be fairly straight
forward. I haven't looked into it in any detail yet, but I'm going to
guess this could be done by changing a few path names in the code.

However, there is a bit of a domino effect because startpar is hardwired
to look for the .depend.* files in /etc/init.d/ which means startpar
needs to be updated too.

Changing both programs should be fairly trivial, but since at least
these two programs need to change to use the new path, it means we need
to carefully consider the migration so we don't prevent a system from
booting if insserv gets updated before startpar on existing systems.

What we could probably do, in the short term, is set startpar to look in
/lib/insserv/depend.* first and, if that fails, fall back to the old way
of using /etc/init.d/.depend.* Then it won't matter if the user is
running the current version of insserv or the future/fixed version.

Thoughts on this approach?

- Jesse

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