The following transcript was posted by Mortice Deadlock
 B: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am Tony Birch, and I'd like
   to introduce you to my pony club

Scenes of countryside, 'English Country Garden' music playing

N: Eurotrash went for a day out to the lush English countryside...

Man applying a chain between his nipple rings - wearing a studded

N: ...where the Birch, Bottom and Lovett pony club...

Woman with leather blinkers putting on a pony harness & bit.  Her hair
is gathered into a pony-tail

N: ...were hitching their harnesses for a bit of good, old fashioned
   horse play

2nd woman on all fours in front of a small cart, having something
strapped around her waist

Birch again

B: If you want to be a pony, you're going to need to have very
   submissive fantasies, so people are imaginative, they're sexually liberal
   so to the public they look completely debauched

Another woman standing up with bare breasts, having something fastened
around her waist

N: But first things first, how to prepare the pony

Birch again, with crop

B: Time for a bit of spanking, I think  (swipes crop in the air, hint of
   a smile)

1st woman walks up to Birch, who is sitting in the forest, and bends
over his knee

N: Before the day's trotting and cantering begin, the ponies are
   warmed with a little smack on their flanks, which improves
   circulation, and prevents what every horse-rider hates - a sore

Several seconds of the woman being spanked with Birch's hand, sounds
of her squealing (probably dubbed on) as she softly kicks her legs

Birch holding a pony tail, with a short metal rod on the end, and
a small butt plug on the end of that

B: For pony girls, you really need a tail.  There are two sorts -
   there's the stick-on sort, which we'll see later, and (grins)
   there's the plug in sort (waves tail)

Lube being applied to plug

N: As the lovingly applied lubbricant eases the passage of the tail...

1st woman on all fours as her short skirt is unzipped up the back

N: ...these ponies can't wait to get stuck in

Back to Birch

B: Everything within the club is absolutely, 100% consensual...

1st woman standing, with her tail sticking out proudly

B: ...that things are, however they look, done usually at the
   instigation of the submissive partner

Man on back of 1st woman, who is on all fours and crawling forwards

N: The pony club has evolved several fantasy transport modes, ranging
   from the traditional doggy style...

Man being given piggy back from woman, while her bare bottom is being
flicked with the crop by Birch walking behind

N: that old chestnut, the piggy back...

Woman pulling small yellow cart with man sitting in it

N: ...and even the rickshaw

Woman on all fours, sniffing along the ground, naked except a
stick on pig-tail, collar with lead, and head harness, while
the lead being carried by a man

N: One of the advantages of being in the country is the abundance of
   local fauna, from wild piggies wallowing in the mud...

Woman body-painted to look like a zebra, running on two feet while
being lead along by the collar by a man

N: ...and when Eurotrash was there, nearly nude female zebras

Zebra, 2nd woman and man lined up in front of a cart, harnesses
etc in place, being checked by another man while Birch stands at
the side.  Man commands "Neal" and they do

N: My, what a strange name for a zebra.
   Up, up and away, for the ride of a lifetime with these stallions
   of steel

Several seconds of the three pulling the cart with a man sitting in
it as another runs alongside.

Birch removes the bit from the zebra

N: But what did Neal the zebra think of it all?

Z: Everyone can do it, they're just being boring and being uppity and
   retentive and...go out and have some fun, you know

The zebra, with a rosette on her harness

The club can be contacted at:
Birch, Bottoms & Lovitt 
BM Judgement,
London WC1N 3XX