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Chapter 40: Tracks

You are given a grid of squares, some of which are filled with train tracks. You need to complete the track from A to B so that the rows and columns contain the same number of track segments as are indicated in the clues to the top and right of the grid.

There are only straight and 90 degree curved rails, and the track may not cross itself.

Tracks was contributed to this collection by James Harvey.

40.1 Tracks controls

Left-clicking on an edge between two squares adds a track segment between the two squares. Right-clicking on an edge adds a cross on the edge, indicating no track is possible there.

Left-clicking in a square adds a colour indicator showing that you know the square must contain a track, even if you don't know which edges it crosses yet. Right-clicking in a square adds a cross indicating it contains no track segment.

Left- or right-dragging between squares allows you to lay a straight line of is-track or is-not-track indicators, useful for filling in rows or columns to match the clue.

(All the actions described in section 2.1 are also available.)

40.2 Tracks parameters

These parameters are available from the ‘Custom...’ option on the ‘Type’ menu.

Width, Height
Size of the grid, in squares.
Controls the difficulty of the generated puzzle: at Tricky level, you are required to make more deductions regarding disregarding moves that would lead to impossible crossings later.
Disallow consecutive 1 clues
Controls whether the Tracks game generation permits two adjacent rows or columns to have a 1 clue, or permits the row or column of the track's endpoint to have a 1 clue. By default this is not permitted, to avoid long straight boring segments of track and make the games more twiddly and interesting. If you want to restore the possibility, turn this option off.

[Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection, version 20240330.fd304c5]