Building a recumbent bicycle

I have a small pile of old bike frames, a MIG welder, and some bookmarks to web pages about building recumbents. One day they might meet each other, but don't hold your breath. I also have a copy of Atomic Zombie's Bicycle Builder's Bonanza, and a copy of the BHPC's So You Want to Build an HPV. Longterm I'm possibly interested in a tilting three wheeler something like this unnamed one, or Black Max, or Mungo TT, or VeloTilt but something simpler to start with seems a good idea.

In the meantime, here are some links:

Tour Easy clones:
  • Quick, Cheap and Easy-LWB. (Less of a clone, though the overall layout is similar - use of upside down step-through frame for rear end.)

    The Calfee Stiletto is out of production, but here are some links showing its remote steering and the steeper headtube/fork angles it allows:

    And a few non-Tour-Easy-clone LWB designs:

    No, I'm not committed to a long wheel base design:

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